Tue, 18 Feb 2025

Marketing Executive

ID 11-22-0005544 MA
Address Central(Hong Kong)
Salary $15,500 per month
Language √Chinese √Putonghua √English √Cantonese
Education Post-secondary
Employee Welfare Unavailable
Number of Job Recruits 2
This job was published in


HONG KONG HGDERA INT'L GROUP INDUSTRIAL LIMITED is an organization established in Hong Kong, it posted a job posting on Wednesday (Mar 16, 2022), the name of the recruitment is "Marketing Executive", this job belongs to the Import and Export Trades, salary is $15,500 per month , the place of work is in Central, Hong Kong, 2 people still to be recruited.
Job requirements for this position: 負責公司文件的處理與存檔,檔案的收集與整理等,根據市場以及工作具體需要進行市場推廣活動的策劃並制定具體的活動方案,定期進行市場信息的收集和整理以及分析工作,完成上級下達的其他工作任務 (能創新或提出改善宣傳推廣的建議)。
Educational background requirements for job seekers: Post-secondary (Diploma/Certificate); Fluent Cantonese ; Fair Putonghua ; Fair English ; Able to read & write Chinese ; Able to read English ; 良好市場觸覺及創新技巧,良好交際技巧,工作認真,有責任心,具組織策劃活動技巧,良好溝通技巧。
Remarks: $15,500 per month, Mon to Fri: 9:30AM-6:30PM, 5 working days per week。
Note: Hello, thank you for visiting the 748JOB website. Recently, there have been reports of Hong Kong citizens being lured online by crime syndicates with lucrative job offers in Southeast Asian countries and have then lost contact with their families or being detained after arrival, therefore, 748JOB hereby reminds job seekers to understand the company background and job nature in detail before accepting employment; do not let criminals take advantage of your eagerness to find a job or covet a high salary, so as to avoid financial loss or jeopardizing your personal safety.
  • Job Title Marketing Executive
  • Job Type Management - Administration
  • Job Salary $15,500 per month
  • Job ID 11-22-0005544 MA
  • District
  • Industry Import and Export Trades
  • Job Requirements 負責公司文件的處理與存檔,檔案的收集與整理等,根據市場以及工作具體需要進行市場推廣活動的策劃並制定具體的活動方案,定期進行市場信息的收集和整理以及分析工作,完成上級下達的其他工作任務 (能創新或提出改善宣傳推廣的建議)
  • Job Introduction $15,500 per month, Mon to Fri: 9:30AM-6:30PM, 5 working days per week
  • How to apply for this job Since this position was posted more than 3 months ago, to avoid unnecessary interruption to the organization, we have hidden its contact information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • Remarks -